Sorcerer's Tower

Entries tagged "software"

Software, in terms of this blog, is articles involving released software (as opposed to projects in development or techiques for developing).

Found 27 entries tagged with "software", displaying entries 21..26.

View entries: 1..5 6..10 11..15 16..20 21..25 26..27

Fusebox 5.5 is out now!

The highly anticapted next major version of Fusebox has finally been released to the website.

Fusebox 5.5 allows you to use the Fusebox applications without using XML, which should please many people.

Instead of fusebox.xml it checks conventional places for your circuits, and instead of circuit.xml it can either use CFCs, where each function is a fuseaction, or just a directory, where each file is a fuseaction.

It also brings support for dynamic do to both xml and non-xml configuration, which is a feature I've really wanted on a couple of occasions.

Get it while it's hot...

Beehive Forum 0.8 out now!

The newest version of Beehive Forum has been released today, with a large selection of new features, improvements, and fixes.

It is very much recommended that users of previous versions upgrade to the latest version without delay - upgrade paths are available from both 0.6.* and 0.7.* so there is no excuse!

For those not familiar with Beehive, it is a superb free and open-source discussion forum system which (in addition to its superior interface) exhibits several rare and unique features which make it a joy to use. For example: there is a relationship system which allows you to ignore others users, or their signatures, or give them amusing nicknames that only you see; each user also has an individiual word filter, with a regular expression option for very powerful filtering; there's a flexible polling system with groupable options, public/private ballot, fixed/changable votes; and many other cool things.

To learn more you can look at the Beehive website, or you can go straight to the SourceForge project page to download it now.

Railo 2.0 out now!

The final release of Railo 2.0 is now available for download from the re-vamped Railo website.

If you've already tried Railo, you'll probably be wanting to head straight to the download page.

If you want to know more about what Railo is and why you might be interested, read on...

Why Railo 2?

A while ago I wrote an entry about why people should consider Railo. Well, with the Release Candidate for version 2.0, there comes a lot more reasons for using Railo. And here are twenty of them...

Why Railo?

In the near future I'll be getting myself a dedicated server, and decided to find out if anyone would be interested if I was to setup Railo hosting on it. So, I posted on the CF-Talk mailing list to see if anyone was interested, and crikey, what a reaction I got! The discussion is currently the longest in the past four dozen threads.

The first few replies basically boiled down to was "why would anyone want Railo hosting?!?".

Tempting as it is to reply with "Railo PWNS U l4m3rz!", I've decided that I'll instead explain why I choose Railo, over all the other CFML engines available (CFMX, BlueDragon and Smith being the significant alternatives).

However, to prevent me from rambling on for hours about how wonderful Railo is -- and I really could talk about it all day -- I am simply going to pick just five things that should help to show what attracts me to Railo.

Read on.